Unit1, 11F, Seaview Centre, No.139 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, KL, HK T +8523705-1541 E Hello@trilingua.hk
香港九龍觀塘海濱道一三九號 海濱中心十一樓〇一室 電話 +8523705-1541 電郵 Hello@trilingua.hk
Design style, like language, varies from the difference of cultural background and geographic region. Through the ambition of redefining Hong Kong visual culture, designer Adonian Chan and Chris Tsui Sau Yi established Trilingua design in 2010.
Trilingua emphasize on every project’s intrinsic essence, and through these understanding we choose the most suitable design language and medium to deliver the essence of message. Trilingua provides multi-disciplinary design services, including branding, visual identity, environmental graphic, publication design and multimedia design. Clients range from commercial to cultural / art groups.
Graphic designer – the more precise term should be visual culture participator.
There are many artifacts in daily life that are being designed by graphic designers. Ideologies of designers could be reflected by the use of typeface, color, form, medium. And through a collective of designers constitutes a city’s own unique visual culture. Hong Kong seldom lacks decent design, yet with the abundance of information we gradually dismissed our own unique aesthetics, which subconsciously implies the confound of self identity.
What is Hong Kong Design? Through this question Trilingua hopes to investigate and reintroduce this city’s unique aesthetics, while at the same time not losing a global perspective.
平面設計師 — 更準確而言是視覺文化的建構者。
日常生活中接觸到的很多事物其實都經過了平面設計師的過濾。他們以自己的視覺語言,如字體、 顏色、圖像、媒體來傳達訊息,從中可洞悉背後的設計意識及想法,最後塑造出大眾看得見的城市美學。香港從不缺優秀的設計,更不乏令人拍案叫絕的好作品。然而資訊發達的生活環境往往驅使人只顧往外看,而忽略了週遭的好東西,本土視覺文化逐漸流失,亦反映了自我文化身份的迷失及惑疑。什麼為香港設計、什麼是香港風格的問題因此應運而生。